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Easy Guide Financial Literacy for the Average Joe:

Budgeting / By Humbled Budget
Easy Guide Financial Literacy for the Average Joe
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Humbled Budget Team

With over 55 years of combine experience in the Finance/Tax Industries based in the United States, Our Team of Humbled Individuals' shares their wisdom gained through experience or technical knowledge acquired through Additional Education.

Financial literacy helps us to understand and apply good financial management skills in both the short and long term. Once you understand the fundamentals, policies, and terms you will be financially educated and will be able to manage your daily finances successfully. This includes many things like creating budget plans, tracking expenses, calculating interest on savings and loans, manage credit card bills and plan for retirement. 

Financial literacy is very important for every self-employed or business. A lack of financial literacy can be seen everywhere, for example, the most developed and advanced countries lack financial literacy. Almost two-thirds of Americans lack financial knowledge and could not pass the basic financial literacy test. These tests ask easy questions as well as important ones including asking people how to calculate interest on their loan, how to create an effective budget plan, etc. Many people don’t even know the basic financial terms. This basically means that sometimes they are forced to make financial decisions without fully understanding the outcome, these bad decisions can lead them to financial losses. 

Definition of Financial Literacy:

Financial literacy is the ability to understand and use a variety of financial skills such as personal finance management, savings, investments, and budgeting. Financial management helps us build a strong relationship with your income and savings. It builds the foundation of the relationship with money. It takes time to learn all the aspects of financial literacy. So the sooner you start learning it, the more benefits you’ll have. 

Easy Guide Financial Literacy for the Average Joe

Why is financial literacy important?

As consumer habits and financial products change, so does financial literacy. As you can notice, unlike our previous generation many people don’t use cash for daily expenses. They mostly use cards or online transactions. You can see this new trend mostly in young shoppers as the way we used to shop has completely changed.

Many consumers have little to no understanding of finance. They don’t know how the credit works and how it is going to impact their financial well-being for years. In a matter of fact, the lack of financial literacy is one of the main reasons why so many people are facing problems with saving and investing.

Budgeting, Debts, Savings, and Investing are the most important and common aspects of finance. So, we will be discussing how financial literacy impacts them.


Budgeting is a necessary life skill that allows us to gain financial knowledge to manage our money effectively. Budgeting is one of the key aspects of financial literacy. Keeping an eye on your spending habits is one of the major factors in budgeting.

Flawless money management will help you create an effective financial plan. An effective financial plan helps you to monitor your expenses, eliminate unnecessary ones and create opportunities to spend money wisely. This allows you to save more money in the long term. The main rule of a budget is your income should be greater than your expenses. Keeping an eye on your expenses and income will help you to save more money.

A well-structured budget will help you to plan for short, medium, and long-term expenses. It allows individuals to save money effectively. So, no one has to sacrifice their future goals for their short-term needs. Therefore, a budget is important for financial security and freedom. If you are starting a new business or you are in a low-income, budgeting is a must.


Debts are nothing but borrowings from banks or other lenders. You are basically spending other people’s money for your expenses. As an example, if you borrow from a bank or other lenders, or use a credit card for your expenses, you will be in debt.

Debts are one of the most important parts of financial literacy. Let’s be honest, there are going to be few situations where you will need to borrow money. Not everyone is capable of buying a new house, car, or paying tuition fees all in one go or cash. In these situations, taking a loan or borrowing money from lenders is the only option which is perfectly fine, but the most important part is to recognize the difference between good debt and bad debt. It is good practice to avoid bad debts as much as possible since most are in a vulnerable state.

Good debt is borrowing money for your expenses that are a necessity for your living everyday needs such as buying a house or paying your college tuition fees. In other words, things that bring value or can appreciate in value would be great examples. Bad debt is borrowing money for unnecessary things such as buying an expensive car, using credit cards for purchasing clothes and gadgets that are wants.

Understanding the difference between good debt and bad debt will help you to stay away from debt traps by making informed decisions. Financial literacy helps us identify the difference between these things.


Our savings bring us financial wellness, good cash flow, a balanced present, and a secure future. In order to create wealth, having a budget and financial plan is very important. Changing your lifestyle and changing your spending habits will help you save money. Here are some of the things you can achieve by saving money.

  • You will be able to meet your financial goals. You will be able to pay your home loan or any personal loan, credit card bills, children’s education, save money for your retirements, and many more.
  • You will be able to create an emergency fund for future emergencies such as medical bills, debts, and many more.
  • You will be able to prepare for future events such as marriage, having kids, vacations, etc.

Financial literacy helps us to find the gaps for saving money. And eventually, it will lead us to a better future and achieving our goals faster.

Emergency Funds:

Gathering money for emergencies is the one thing every individual should do. An emergency fund is a solution for multiple unexpected financial emergencies like medical bills, house repairing, accidents, sudden debt, economic downturn, etc. 

Building an emergency fund depends on every individual’s financial situation, income, expenses, and lifestyle. According to financial experts, you should prepare for at least 4-6 months of necessary expenses like food, grocery, medicines, and other important things. 


Instead of throwing your money into a savings account, you can get higher interest rates by investing it. Investing is all about enjoying a secure and happy life by generating and growing wealth. It is all about putting your money in the most profitable places, where you can get a significant amount of return in the future. Your investments will generate an extra bit of income each month. It opens up ways to create a new income source.

Here are some of the most popular investment options available for everyone:

  • Stocks and shares
  • Equity
  • Mutual funds
  • Gold
  • Real estate
  • Cryptocurrency

The main point of investing is to create opportunities to grow wealth and create a secure future. Financial literacy allows us to understand how we can use our savings in a way that generates extra income.

Easy Guide Financial Literacy for the Average Joe

How to Improve Your Financial Literacy?

Having a good grasp of financial literacy means having the knowledge and confidence to manage, save and invest money accurately. 

Financial Newsletters:

Financial newsletters are one the best ways to gain knowledge on financial literacy. Reading financial newsletters will help you improve your financial and money management skills. You will learn next-level financial strategies from financial experts. 

Social Media:

Social media is one of the best places to improve your financial literacy. Many financial gurus on the internet share effective financial strategies on YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter. 

Create a Budget:

All the skills that you have learned won’t matter if you don’t execute them in real life. Start with tracking each month’s income and expenses with a spreadsheet and set up a budget plan accordingly. There are many mobile apps available on the market you can use. 

Get Help from Financial Experts:

If you are a total beginner, there is no better way to learn the essentials from an expert. They can answer all your questions, whether it’s about day-to-day budgeting or more complex situations like long-term plans. They can give you tips and strategies depending on your current financial situation. 

In this article, we discussed what financial literacy is and why it is important. Financial literacy is crucial because it helps us with the knowledge and develops skills to manage money more effectively. Without financial literacy, there will be a lack of foundation for the steps and decisions that we make. These steps and decisions can affect our financial performance and decisions in a bad way.

Financial literacy helps us develop a better understanding of the financial concept and helps us manage our finances more effectively. Moreover, it helps us to develop effective money management skills, financial decision-making, and achieving financial stability.

Financial literacy also provides in-depth knowledge of financial education and various strategies that are essential for financial goals and success. It also helps us build debt and investment strategies, which is really important for your portfolio and credit score. In simple words, financial literacy is one of the most important skills that every individual should start learning. 

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